Principal's Report

End of Term

Here we are at the end of another term at Lyndhurst. It looks like we’re in for a wet, windy holiday break so it’s a good time for children to curl up with a good book and get some reading time in. That might be a great family activity too! There’s nothing better than huddling together on a couch or a bean bag and enjoying a book together and it’s one of the best thing you can do to support what we do at school.


Whether it’s you reading to them or them reading to you or even if it’s just flicking through a book full of beautiful pictures, the act of enjoying a book together promotes such a good attitude to learning and reading and it’s a child’s attitude that can influence their school success. So, give it some thought. Do you have time to find a great book and share it with your children? Are you a member of the local library? Do you want to support their learning in a fun, enjoyable way? Could it maybe become a habit? Give it a try!

Year 3 Camp

I had a fabulous time at the Year 3 camp at Somers last week. The children were so enthusiastic and you could see their growth and development over the 3 days. They met the challenges with vigor, despite the often cold, wet conditions and they got on so well as a group.


It was just a great camp in which to participate. Thanks to all of the children and particular thanks to the staff team who, once again, gave up the comforts of home and family to provide the children with a memorable life experience.

Reports and Interviews

Reports will be sent home to families on Monday. Tuesday is a Pupil Free Day and, for most grades, your opportunity to meet with the teachers to discuss those reports. If you haven’t booked a time, please make sure you do so.

2017 Enrolments

We are well into our process for enrolments for 2017. Many, many expressions of interest have been received for Prep enrolment and we will spend some time in July sorting through those to confirm enrolments for Prep for next year. As we have mentioned to parents, we have applied for an enrolment zone and we are confident this will be approved soon.


At this stage, we don't know where those boundary lines will be placed. We will keep the community informed as this issue progresses. I would encourage families who have Preps for 2017 to come to the school to fill in an expression of interest, even if you are an existing family.


Don't forget too, that new schools are opening in 2017. If you think you might be in a new school area, please come and speak to us.

Myuna Farm​

Best of luck to our Preps who head off to Myuna Farm. It’s such a wonderful experience for “city kids” to get up close and personal with the farm life. I’m sure it will be a fantastic day.

Mandarin classes

Once again, we are offering the opportunity for children to learn Mandarin in after school lessons. We require 5 students as a minimum to run the program and there is information about the sessions elsewhere in this newsletter.

If you’re interested, check out the information and let us know.

Year 1 excursion – Task Works​

Best of luck to our year 1’s who head off to Task works soon. Taskworks is Australia’s first 100% hands-on educational activity center for school students. Students are immersed in activities that challenge their body and mind. What a fabulous learning opportunity!

Traffic News - “Kiss and Drop zone” in Brookwater Parade

Casey Council have now replaced the signs outside of our school with special signs, indicating and “No Parking” area from 8am-9.30am and from 2.30pm – 4pm.


The new “No Parking" area will be what is commonly known as a “Kiss and Drop” zone.

According to the road rules, a motorist is allowed to stop in a No Parking area for a period of up to two minutes to drop off or pick up passengers, so long as they do not leave the vehicle unattended. A vehicle is unattended if the driver is over 3m from the vehicle.


I think this will be a great improvement to traffic flow and student safety if everyone follows the simple rules.

  • In the morning, stop, drop off your children and move on.
  • In the afternoon, stop, pick up your children and move on.
  • Whenever you can, move to the front of the parking area to leave room for others.

Greg Lacey
