Junior School

The end of term is just around the corner, and with only a few days left things have been ramping up at Weeden Heights Primary School. Between an excursion to Collingwood Children’s Farm, a school-wide Wellbeing Day, and visiting Basketball coaches, it has been busy down in the junior school!


Writer’s Notebook


A Writer’s Notebook is, quite simply put, a writer’s notebook! All student’s need is a notebook or piece of blank paper and a pencil or pen. They write an information text, or a persuasive piece, or a narrative story – whatever takes their fancy! 


It encourages creativity and freedom, and boosts writing stamina. There is no right or wrong answer when it comes to the Writer's Notebook.


In Grade 2, students receive a picture prompt on Friday afternoons. From here, they brainstorm ideas – what can they see? what is happening? what could happen? what has happened? what is going to happen next? – and consider the marvellous adventures, mysteries and information the prompt could offer. 


Writer’s Notebook brainstorm: 


Buddy Session

Every fortnight, senior school students come down to the junior school classrooms and spend a session with their younger buddies. 


This week, the senior school students helped their junior buddy set a S.M.A.R.T goal.


See below some of the wonderful collaborative work which was undertaken.