From the Principal
Mid-Year Reports
In 2023 we are continuing the use of (PAM) Parent Access Module for delivering school reports. This online system provides parent’s access to a range of information specific to your child including Mid and End of Year Reports. Mid-year reports will be available on PAM on Friday 23rd June .
Parent Teacher Interviews
Following the mid-year reports we will be offering Parent Teacher Interviews in the first and second week of term 3. Interviews provide a valuable opportunity to formally discuss your child's learning with their classroom teacher. To book an interview, please login to PAM and select a time for either Thursday 13th, Tuesday 18th & Thursday 20th July.
LOTE at St Mary's
With the departure of Mrs Yilin Lewis during the term, it has been necessary to reassess the language that is offered at St Mary's for the remainder of the school year.
We are excited to announce that next term we will be switching our LOTE from Chinese to Spanish. The change has been made after careful consideration of the availability of staff to ensure that the children receive a high quality language experience.
Diana Domonkos will be teaching the LOTE program on Thursdays for the remainder of the year.
We are excited at opportunities that this will bring to the students of St Mary's.
Farewell to families.
It is with great sorrow that we also say goodbye to two school families.
The Ravala and Edwards Families are moving away from the Castlemaine area to be closer to families.
Both of these amazing families will be greatly missed and we are truly grateful for what they added to the St Mary's community.
We wish you all the best as you begin this great adventure.
Student free day
On Monday the 31st July we will be having a student free day.
Staff will be taking the day as an opportunity to work on New Pedagogies for Deep Learning across the whole school.
The day will also look at strategies for teaching the Religious Education curriculum at St Mary's
Please mark this day in your Diary
Have a wonderful Holiday and we will see everyone back on Monday 10th July.