Visual Arts News

Well what another exciting and motivating term this has been.  Everyone has certainly shown their true colours of what they can achieve in Visual Arts.  Well done everyone and keep up the great work for Term 3.



Students have shown a tremendous improvement in their drawing and cutting skills.  They are listening and completing the tasks given to them correctly.  This term students worked on primary colours, studying the artist Kandinskly, making hand lilies for Mother’s Day, learning how to draw a bird using chalk and painting a snail with the primary colours.  Wonderful work Foundation!!!


Year 1 & 2:

Students used their imagination to design a monster with scary features using crayons and water coloured pencils.  They constructed a zebra collage using paper and glue only.  Followed by creating their own imaginary friend and fantasy environment using soft pastels, markers and pencils.  This was continued by writing a story about their piece of art work in their learning spaces.  They also experimented with lines in one continuous swirling, twisting motion to cover the paper followed by adding colour with water coloured paints as a calming and relaxing well being activity.


Year 3 &4: 

Students were inspired by the artist Henri Matisse, to create a paper collage of their name, applying colour, shape and balance to add interest to their designs. Wow, what amazing art pieces! They designed a water colour garden landscape using fine line markers, crayons and water colour paints. Followed by producing a beautiful expressive image of a cat with line and and patterns.  Look on SeeSaw to see their amazing work!


Year 5 & 6:

Students created their own graffiti art piece of their name, looking at different types of lettering, background detail using metallic pens. They also made connections between Art and Mathematics through their design of a snowflake quilt which was based on the concept of radial symmetry.  Come and look through the office corridor to see their amazing work. Wonderful work everyone!