Learning Space News

Year 5/6


An update from the 5/6 Learning Space, written by Kevin N. and Jeet.



We have just started learning about how to write procedures, and how much detail they should contain.  We have been writing different procedures such as ‘How to cross the road’, ‘How to make a sandwich’ and ‘How to wash your hands’.  We have just completed a unit on writing information reports, through research and note-taking. We planned our information reports using graphic templates that the teachers provided to us. These allowed us to organise all our ideas before writing. 



We have been learning about using a range of different problem solving strategies to solve equations. Students are encouraged to share the strategies that they use to find answers and compare those strategies with their peers. We have had a large focus on fractions and decimals throughout the term and have also begun looking at percentages and ratios.  During integrated math sessions, we’ve focused on a range of topics including shapes, angles and statistics. 


Inter-School Sports

In 5/6 we have been participating in a range of inter-school sports. We have a netball team, an AFL team, a sofcrosse team and soccer team! The AFL team have been the most successful so far, and they are undefeated and on top of the ladder. The sofcrosse team have tried their best and have improved greatly since their first game. They are also undefeated, with all their games ending in ties. The soccer team have all put forward their best performances and have had one win so far.  The girls netball team have all shown great commitment to improving, but unfortunately are yet to win a game. The mixed netball team have also been putting in their best effort and achieved their first tied game last week. All students who have participated have shown great respect and sportsmanship towards the umpires and the other teams and continue to develop a range of important life skills.


Economic Classroom

 This term, the Year 5/6 students have been participating in a program called ‘Economic Classroom’. This program designed to help students get a better understanding of how money and finances work. It teaches children to have a growth mindset about money and how stressful it can be to manage it. They have jobs, bank accounts, bank logs, and heaps more!



Economic classroom is very complex and helps students prepare themselves for the real-world of getting paid and applying for jobs. There are a variety of jobs with different pay amounts. Some of the jobs include the banker, the fines officer, the librarian, the sports manager, etc. 


Fines and Rewards:

Students may receive a reward for displaying the ARPS values in the learning space. Student can also be fined for behaving in a way that doesn’t align with these values!


Banking Online:

All students have a personal online banking account! The bank account allows students to receive their fortnightly income and put money into different accounts like savings and superannuation. They can also withdraw cash from their accounts. Students also keep a spreadsheet of their income and their expenses, which they must maintain. This allows them to keep track of their rewards and cash! 


Paying for rent and utilities: Students pay for rent and utilities fortnightly! This will prepare them for the future. They must pay in cash, but they can get a loan or withdraw money if needed. It will teach students not to waste money on silly things and get fined.