From the Principal

Last week we said farewell to Mrs Toombs, the principal of Athol Road PS who has retired after many wonderful years she dedicated to Education.  Mrs Toombs was principal for almost 20 years: Springvale South PS (6 years) and Athol Road PS (14 years) and she made a significant impact in developing a school culture focused on high expectations and collaboration. 


Mrs Toombs also ensured the school had a well resourced learning environment where staff and students had access to innovative and flexible learning and technologies. We only have to look around us to see the wonderful school environment and school community we belong to. Thank you Mrs Toombs. We wish you a very Happy Retirement


Thank you to all the parents and families who attended our special farewell assembly for Mrs Toombs. I was so proud of our student leaders, Minh, Jessica, David and Jammy who did an exceptional job in delivering their beautiful speech. Well done also to Student Voice Council for creating their funny video and of course the Senior and Junior Choirs who sang beautifully and lead the whole school singing too. It was a beautiful and emotional farewell assembly and a special moment to acknowledge and celebrate Mrs Toombs.


Look out for the ‘Farewell to Mrs Toombs’ pictures in this newsletter!


Most parents and families will know me, Ms Nigro, as I have been the Assistant Principal for 16 years: Springvale South PS (4 years) and Athol Road PS (12 years). I am now in the Acting Principal role and I feel confident that as a school we will continue to grow, develop and achieve successful outcomes for our students. 


As a Professional Learning Community (PLC), we know that working collaboratively and having a strong purpose in what we do is important. For me, working at Athol Road PS has always been a privilege and I am extremely proud of our strong PLC and the many positive learning experiences we provide for our students, staff and families. 


Can you believe we have almost come to the end of Term 2? 


It has been a very busy term with many special programs and learning opportunities for our students. Some of these being: School Nurse Program, Glasses for Kids, Excursions and Incursions, Education Week & Twilight School, National eSmart Week, Reconciliation Week, National Simultaneous Storytime, Victorian State School Spectacular rehearsals, Interschool Sports and Cross Country. 


A key priority that is evident at Athol Road PS is the importance of engaging our students in a wide variety of learning and wellbeing programs. Research shows that increased participation and student engagement can positively support and increase student aspirations. As parents/carers, you can be confident that our teachers work closely with your children to inspire and engage them in a wide variety of learning experiences. This is a focus that our school will continue to strengthen and prioritise. 



  1. Parent Teacher Interviews (PTI): Parents/carers will receive Semester 1 Student Reports in Week 2 of Term 3. During this week we ask ALL parents/carers attend a PTI on their allocated day: 

Foundation – Year 2: Wednesday 19th July and  Year 3-6: Tuesday 18th July

Please book your 15 minute interview on SENTRAL by Wednesday this week. 

Bookings will close at 4pm on Wednesday 21st June.


  1. End of Term: This Friday 23rd June is the last day of Term 2 and students will be dismissed at 2.30pm. Please make the necessary arrangements for your child/ren.


I hope you all enjoy the school holiday period and get to appreciate the extra family time doing the things you enjoy! Stay safe and remember Term 3 commences on Monday 10th July.


If you have any questions or concerns or simply want to have a chat, please contact the office and I would be more than happy to meet with you. 


Ms Carmel Nigro

Acting Principal