Chairperson’s Report 2023
After being persuaded by Adrian and then “thrown in the deep end” at last year’s AGM, it has been quite a first year as the LCS PiC Chair. As Adrian pointed out then, I didn’t have to do it alone and had a table full of amazing, committed members ready to support me and support me you have! So, thank you to each and every one who has been involved in the PiC in some form over the last year! We are a team and are here to uphold one another and the broader community of LCS.
It has seemed a bit like a changing of the guard for the PiC recently, not only as we continue to shift our focus to the building of community within the school, but also as we see a handover in the executive team. We farewelled Kate from her long-held Chair position at the last AGM and welcomed Mary-Anne into the previously unfulfilled role of treasurer. And, as we release faithful, long-serving executive members, Anne and Amy this year, we wish to thank them for their many years of loyal service. We recognise the sacrifice they have both made to the benefit of our school community as they have helped to shape the PnF/PiC in the vital roles that they have played.
We also welcomed Stuart Kent as new principal to LCS this year. Stuart has hit the road running and we appreciate the way he has been so supportive of the PiC right from the start. We congratulate Bek in her new position as “Marketing and Communications Manager” and look forward to working with her in a professional manner as she takes over the PiC school liaison role. Over the course of the year, we have been blessed to see some bright, new, enthusiastic faces join our midst and the future of the LCS PiC looks strong as we continue to see our numbers grow and look for ways to make other past and present parents feel welcome to partner with us.
After being thwarted by COVID restrictions for two years, we finally managed to hold our first “grEATing” event at the start of the school year. It was a spectacular success for its maiden trial, mostly due to the amazing efforts put in by Margaret and Kate – Thank you ladies for all you did to make this event happen!We also want to thank Amy and Margaret as they step down from heading up the much-loved Mother’s and Father’s Day stalls. Thank you both for all that you have sown into these stalls over the years and the legacy that you leave us with – we look forward to many new creative ideas and items that come forth as Danielle takes over the helm in their place. The role of PiC class representatives continues to evolve, and we thank all of those who have put up their hand for this role and delight in seeing families connect within the smaller class group setting.A final, personal word of gratitude goes to Angela. Angela is the behind-the-scenes power horse of the PiC. She is so diligent in her role as secretary and a huge amount of work goes into all the administration tasks that she does on behalf of the PiC. I couldn’t do the role of Chair without her support as Secretary, and I am so grateful for her. Thankyou Ange!
With more ideas in the pipeline, we look forward to all that the rest of this year will bring and are so appreciative of the support given to us by the board, leadership, staff, and parents here at LCS. I pray that God will continue to give us fresh vision and insight into how we can shine His light and share His love within the community here at Launceston Christian School. Thank you and Bless you!- Rachael
PiC Executive:
Chairperson: Rachael Hemelaar
Vice Chairperson: Jamin Gillman
Treasurer: Mary-Anne Klimeck
Secretary: Angela Parsons
Executive Members: Kate Gill and Danielle Hesketh
Board Reps: Margaret Dingemanse and Kristy Lade
School Principal: Stuart Kent
Staff Rep: Eliza Lovelock
School Liaison: Bek Peters
BBQ Trailer for Hire
Did you know that LCS owns a large BBQ trailer that is available for hire outside of the school? The trailer is a 3 x 6 burner and to hire, just download our Application for Hire Form below.
Completed forms can be dropped off or emailed to our office. For further information, please contact our office, office@lcs.tas.edu.au
About PiC
Our Parents in Community Association (PiC) is a team of dedicated people whose aim is to build a strong sense of community within the school.
PiC also raises funds for projects in the school that the school budget doesn't normally cover and some examples of this are Junior Readers for classes, our Kinder playground, Middle school courtyard and seating in the Performing Arts Centre.
Meetings are held once a month at the school on a Tuesday night and parents are most welcome to attend.
For more information, please contact PiC via email: LCS.PiC@lcs.tas.edu.au