Classroom Stars and Achievers 

Stars of the Week

Georgia B

For always showing kindness and respect (Rick D3) 

Ellie S

For showing our school values of Kindness and Respect (Holly D4)

Arlo W

For being a kind friend to his peers (Holly D4)

Deylilah R

For making a fantastic jumping jellyfish! (Hannah D5)

Lily S

For helping to keep our classroom neat and tidy (Jessica M1)

Isabelle C

For always doing the right thing and being a role model in M1 (Jessica M1)

Lachlan W

For the kindness he shows others. We are lucky to have you in M2! (Rebecca M2)

Stella S

For using a range of strategies in her reading (Rebecca M2)

Blake H

For a fabulous term of learning! (Claire M3)

Evelyn H

For working through difficult tasks and completing them. Well done! (Mrs Woodfield M4)

Ayla C

For doing a wonderful job on your information report! Well done, Ayla! (Amelia M5)


Outstanding Achievers

Cooper P

For always showing the school values of Courage, Kindness and Respect (Mrs Brown B1)

Macy M

For demonstrating her best effort and successfully completing a narrative during independent writing (Brooke B3)

Harley S

For fully engaging in her maths learning (Mr Loader B4)

Jayden F

for choosing a range of partners during our maths warm up games (Mr Loader B4)

Jack R

for his focused reading routine and improved comprehension during reading sessions. Well done, Jack! (Lauren B5)

Addyson S

For her independent writing! Well done, Addyson! (Lauren B5) 

Klay R

For always lending assistance to teachers and students without being asked (Kyra & Emily P S1)

Georgia F

For being responsible with her diary every day (Mrs Riddoch S2)

Riley S

For working extremely hard to produce a biography on Ja Morant (Mr C S3)

Isabella K

For her amazing writing skills (Troy S4)



Neil Copertino M2

For wonderful participation in Performing Arts (Mrs Polson)

Fergus Brennan S1 

For his wonderful leadership, organisation and dedication to Performing Arts this past Semester (Mrs Polson)

Makayla Wilson S1

For her wonderful leadership, organisation and dedication to Performing Arts this past Semester (Mrs Polson)

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