Secondary Life

Senior Production

Steve Venour - Head of Secondary


From 24 – 27 May a group of students, under the direction of Nic Frame and Kathryn Delaney, performed The Comedy of Errors by William Shakespeare. 


The community hub was set up as a piazza with lights, table tennis tables, wood fired pizza and the actors mingling in character. The venue was intimate with the entire show performed as a single act in the middle of the audience. 


It was incredible


The actors were so close, every expression and gesture could be seen, and they maintained character brilliantly, carrying their lines and providing a thoroughly entertaining experience. 


Well done to all involved!

Inspire Careers Expo

Emily Gosbell - Careers Coordinator


INSPIRE is a verb, explained as the ability to give an idea or a feeling. To make someone feel that they want to do something and can do it. To fill someone with confidence and the desire to do something. 


On Wednesday 31 May, over 600 people from our community, 28 external providers of tertiary study, apprenticeship, and traineeship opportunities and 33 of our DCC alumni attended our Inspire Careers Expo.

We invited students in Years 9-12 to come along and dedicate an hour to thinking about their futures. The community hub was the venue for inspiration for the night. 


Students moved through a PATHWAYS level, where they could learn about different universities, TAFEs, private colleges, traineeships, and apprenticeships from 28 different providers. There were rich conversations, new opportunities uncovered, brochures and giveaways galore.


Students then proceeded to a JOURNEY level where alumni shared their work, study, and decision-making intel. Students were encouraged to ask questions and learn from others through their various experiences. To hear about jobs they may not know about, pathways relevant to their interests, the importance of networking and that it is ok to change your mind. 


We also enjoyed sharing a delicious supper together.


Feedback from community members has been extremely positive. Both our external providers and alumni were impressed by our students' behaviour, manners, future thinking and by the insightful, rich questions they were asking. The evening was about parents and students learning together, exploring options, making discoveries, and dreaming about the future.


The Inspire Careers Expo is just one of the many opportunities we give our senior students to explore possibilities and learn more about themselves. This event is run every two years and inspires future thinking and conversations. Thank you to all staff who helped make this event a tremendous success. 


I am already looking forward to the next one!

Year 7 Zoo Excursion

Leanne Benson - Year 7 Coordinator


On Friday 26 May the Year 7s set off on an excursion to Melbourne Zoo where we enjoyed the glorious weather and being outdoors.


We were very excited to be consolidating our learning of classification and ecosystems.  We saw amazing animals from within God’s Kingdom, including two baby elephants, curious meerkats, roaring lions and extremely tall, elegant giraffes.  We examined habitats and with the help of the zoo educators, investigated some unique animal features that enhance survival.


We all had a great day of exploring the zoo with friends while using our critical thinking and observation skills. We were able to attend the zookeeper talks and visit exhibits identifying endangered animals and how we can help these animals to survive and thrive.


 Some student reflections:


“We learnt that predators have eyes in the front of their heads, whilst their prey have them on the sides”.


“Now I know what the names in the funny writing on the signs mean – the genus and species.” 

Reconciliation Week

Katelyn Reed - Head of Humanities


Each year in Australia, 27 May to 3 June marks National Reconciliation Week. These dates commemorate two significant milestones in the reconciliation journey - the successful 1967 referendum, and the High Court Mabo decision, respectively. 


During Week 6 our students were offered several opportunities to participate in Reconciliation Week. On Monday, the Wellbeing team organised a fundraising BBQ for the Aboriginal Justice Fund. 


On Tuesday, the Faith team led both staff and students in a session of prayer, praying into the space of justice, healing, and reconciliation in Australia. Wednesday saw students listening deeply in their Homegroup sessions to stories of survivors of the Stolen Generations and learning more about the history of Reconciliation in Australia. 


To conclude the week, our Year 10 Justice class facilitated a screening of Rabbit Proof Fence during lunchtime on Thursday and Friday. 


Thank you to all students who planned and led our school through these activities. For lending us opportunities to learn from and engage with our Aboriginal brothers and sisters, and for reminding us of our place in the biblical story of reconciliation through Jesus.