Year 6 Spotlight


This term the students have been learning about structural and behavioural adaptations in animals and plants in different environments. 


On Monday 22 May, the students visited IMAX and the Melbourne Museum where they watched the film ‘Australia: The Wild Top End’, which immersed them in the ancient landscape of the top end of Australia – and the animals that have occupied this landscape for thousands of years. The students learnt about the life cycle and adaptations of saltwater crocodiles, cassowaries, and frogs, as well as the changes in the environment that lead to this development.


Following our wonderful morning at IMAX, the students then engaged in three 30-minute self-guided tours within the museum. Students were exploring, analysing, evaluating and interpreting fossils and information relating to various animals over hundreds of years. Students learnt about the evolution and adaptations of these fossils and animals, focusing on the changing living conditions which played a key role in their adaptations.


A highlight of the day was the ‘Bugs Alive!’ exhibition, which allowed the students to smell, see and hear different insects, spiders, snails and other vertebrates. The live displays of the creepy crawlies had some students jumping and other students running!

At the Melbourne Museum
Visiting the museum
Half the fun is getting there!
A train into the city!
The morning commute
Travelling through the city
At the museum
Enjoying the museum
At the Melbourne Museum
At the Melbourne Museum
Visiting the museum
Half the fun is getting there!
A train into the city!
The morning commute
Travelling through the city
At the museum
Enjoying the museum
At the Melbourne Museum

Philanthropy Incursion

On Friday the 9th of June the students participated in an incursion run by Kids in Philanthropy. Students spent the morning learning about the key aspects of philanthropy; giving their Time, Talent and Treasure. They created morning tea packs and breakfast bags for the Father Bob Maguire Foundation, and cards of hope for Stride Education. They also had the opportunity to hear from Cheryne from Stride Education, about her work at the organisation and how she strives to make a difference each day.


Together, the Year 6 students:

  • Made and packed 714 morning tea packs.
  • Made and packed 784 breakfast bags.
  • Made 138 cards of hope.


The students created each element with care and were enormously proud of the impact that they were able to make to the lives of 1636 people.


“It’s good to teach young people about charity work and that people are less fortunate than you and how you can help.” 
~ Remy, 6A


“I didn’t know that kids can do charity work. I like how they let kids do some of the work to help others.” 
~ Fenna, 6A


“I really enjoy helping others in this way.” 
~ Liv, 6B


“I enjoyed making all the different things.” 
~ Zach, 6C


“It was fun and I learnt that there are lots of people in need. When you're asking your parents for food and things, don’t think about you, remember there are other people out there who don’t have food to eat.’ 
~ Zen, 6B
Kids in Philanthropy incursion
Making cards of hope
Designing cards of hope
Making morning tea packs
Learning about philanthropy
Creating cards of hope
Kids in Philanthropy incursion speakers
Learning about philanthropy
Proud to make an impact
Philanthropy in action
Making cards of hope
Card of hope
Kids in Philanthropy incursion
Making cards of hope
Designing cards of hope
Making morning tea packs
Learning about philanthropy
Creating cards of hope
Kids in Philanthropy incursion speakers
Learning about philanthropy
Proud to make an impact
Philanthropy in action
Making cards of hope
Card of hope


~ Year 6 Teachers (Serena, Daniel, Jess & Anneliese) and Students