Year 3 Spotlight

Year 3 Spotlight

In the last newsletter, some of the information regarding the Year 3 Spotlight didn’t make it to print. Here is the rest of the content.



We have been very busy reading! This term we have learnt how to separate important and interesting information to help us figure out the main idea. We have read articles about space, The Wallace Line and ANZAC Day and have tried to summarise these articles.
~ Ava and Evie, 3B


Reconciliation Week

Reflecting on Connection to Country
Reflecting on Connection to Country
The week started off with learning about what ‘Sorry Day’ means. We had discussions in a yarning circle about why it is important that everyone deserves a voice, how we can respect Indigenous voices, and what we can do at FPS to embrace this. We explored ways in which First Nations people cared for and connected to the country and brainstormed ways that we can take care of our environment.
~ Elizabeth and Ziggy, 3B

Writing Graphic Novels 

‘So what is a graphic novel’s features?’ you may find yourself asking. Well, one of a graphic novel’s main features is probably a panel (the little box you draw the pictures in). Other features are a gutter (what separates the panels), a speech bubble (little circle-like things that show what the character is saying), and the script (the boxes of words above the pictures to explain what is happening). 
~ Siena, 3A


A graphic novel is kind of like a book except there’s pictures and all the information is in smaller boxes in the picture boxes all over the page. Graphic novels have speech bubbles and sound effects. Personally, I love graphic novels. 
~ Margot, 3A


This term we have been making graphic novels. I have enjoyed planning and drafting my graphic novel. I have also enjoyed learning about speech bubbles and thinking bubbles. I love graphic novels so much. 
~ Emma, 3A


A graphic novel is a book that normally has a different box for each scene. Normally a graphic novel is made up of a story. Most of the time a graphic novel has cartoons. 
~ Zoe, 3A


My favourite graphic novel is… Dog Man because it is funny and I like Diary of A Wimpy Kid, because I just like it. The first time I saw Dog Man I LOVED it. 
~ Lou, 3A


My favourite graphic novel is Dog Man because it’s very interesting and once you start reading you can’t stop! 
~ Felix, 3A


I have enjoyed Wings of Fire graphic novels because they are very interesting and my friend Elizabeth K told me about them. 
~ Maggie, 3A


What are the features? A graphic novel has a lot of chapters. A graphic novel has a lot of pictures. A graphic novel is a fiction text. 
~ Ben, 3A


My novel is about monsters and mythical creatures. There are vegetables which can talk and Pokemon. There are Among Us, who love fruit. 
~ August, 3A
How to draw characters
Harrison’s first panel
Holly’s first panel
How to draw characters
Harrison’s first panel
Holly’s first panel


~ Year 3 Teachers (Michele, Monique & Brendan) and Students