Lest we Forget
Healesville High School was well represented at the local ANZAC day commemorative services.
At the Healesville dawn service, school captains, Lily Clements and Caitlyn Anderson Hunter recited poetry In Flanders Fields and a response to this, The Answer. Both did a beautiful job.
Our Legends Band provided the music for the service and they were joined by several past students and past music director, Liz Bennett. A big thank you to the following past students for supporting our band on such an important occasion; Angela Fawke, Nikita Aldridge, Carla McCormick, Rachel Powell, Riley Wilde, Eliza Hoiles, Nathan McCormick and Taylah Chipperfield.
Thanks also to Liz Bennett. It says a lot about our music program that so many past students were willing to take the opportunity to play with the Legends again.
Of course, thank you also to current members of the Legends and Amanda Morrison for their contribution.
A smaller group of musicians represented the school at the morning service- thank you! Caitlyn and Emily Anderson Hunter laid a wreath on behalf of the school.
-Laura Mitchell