5 Questions Students

  1. What’s the last food you cooked?
  2. One country you would like to visit in the future and why?
  3. Have you even broken any bones? If so, what and how?
  4. Favourite season?
  5. Favourite staff member at HHS?

Caitlyn Brown

  1.  Carbonara in cooking. 
  2. Somewhere that is a tropical island.
  3. No
  4. Winter. I like hoodies and warm clothes.
  5. Nat






 Liam Warner:

  1. Tacos
  2. USA (Hawaii) because it seems like a cool place to go.
  3. No
  4. Summer. Fun activities in the water.
  5. Mr Mehra


Toby Beever:

  1. Tacos
  2. USA (Hawaii). It looks nice
  3. My arm. Riding my bike and fell down a hill
  4. Summer. Pools and water parks
  5. Mr Biffin




Laura Henderson:

  1. Pancakes
  2. Japan, because I like the culture and learning the language.
  3. No
  4. Winter, because it is easy to get warm when it is cold, but it is harder to cool down when it is hot
  5. Ms Evans or Mr Cross.


Kaitlyn Harrison

  1. Pasta
  2. England, because I have family there
  3. No
  4. Spring, because the flowers are out
  5. Mr Cross