School of Rock
School Production 2022 - “School of Rock”
This year in August, Healesville High School will be performing “School of Rock-The Musical” for our school production. This differs slightly from the original film starring Jack Black. “School of Rock-The Musical” is a stage show with music written by Andrew Lloyd Webber. It is a fun-filled and highly energetic show. At this point, the cast has been mostly filled (well main parts anyway) and rehearsals have been underway recently.
With the departure last year of Mr Trent Morison, the previous director of several school productions at Healesville High School, Mr Shane Coady has taken the reins this year, with Mr Daniel Glenn providing guidance and assistance to Mr Coady in so many ways.
Rehearsals are on Wednesday and Thursday after school every week this term, so if any parents would like to get involved in costumes, staging, make-up or catering, please contact Mr Coady on the phone at school, or email him on:
Also, there are still some parts to fill, so if you are a student who has missed the meetings or have suddenly decided you’d like to be involved, please let Mr Coady know at school and he’ll find you a part or backstage job.
I look forward to seeing you all there!