Environment Matters

Waste Free Wednesdays/ Soft Plastics

Reducing our impact on the environment at St Joseph's has started! In addition to the return of Waste Free Wednesday we have been focussing on reducing the amount of rubbish that goes into the blue bins. 


Blue bin waste goes directly to landfill so St Joseph's students have been separating their soft plastics at recess and lunch and you would not believe how much we have gathered just in stage 2 in one week! 


Check it out, a full bin squashed down. The plan is to take it to either Woolworths or Coles who collect soft plastic. 


We are looking for any volunteers who would like to do this. Please contact Mrs Walls in Year 4 if you and your child would like to help by dropping it in the plastic collection tub at either Woolworths or Coles. 


Many thanks!