John XXIII Rowing Club 

Regatta Overview

A big weekend dawned on our John XXIII College Rowing Club for our first double header of the year. The sun shone brightly down at Champion Lakes for the IGSSA Regatta. With our numbers finally increasing and our lanes beginning to fill in the races, we were able to show a more competitive spirit. Congratulations to Jemima Broderick and Lara Sivwright who both won their single scull races. In addition to these wins, a shout out to Marli Williamson who is showing great development in her sculling, with a great performance in her race.


Our Quads and Eight’s are coming along nicely. With further consistency with attendance and development in fitness and techniques, we plan to have some great success come Head of the River. Keep up the great work.


Although the sun was still shining on Sunday at our All Schools Regatta, we also saw strong winds and very choppy water. The excitement was in the air for the first male Regatta, however, it was not to be with the event being cancelled after the first few races. We did however, see some great results with the only races that were run. Congratulations Austin Vincent who won his single scull race, Liam Davis finished a very close second in his race and our Year 10 Male Eight won their race against stiff competition.


Weekly focus

Coaches and rowers will spend time this week on boat control skills. This will help with cleaner starts. Starts can win races!

Rower of the week

John XXIII Rowers are a special breed. We are built on discipline, respect and resilience. This weekend saw one of our rowers show all of the above in bucket loads. Jack Brett battled the horrendous conditions out at Canning Bridge. In a single skull, maintaining control and balance is already trying, let alone, in very choppy conditions. Jack was faced with his seat coming off and fell in the water. It was expected by the officials that he would pull out of the race BUT, Jack didn’t pull out. Jack managed to get himself back in the boat, freezing and exhausted, he then completed his race.


Jack – thank you for demonstrating the spirit that we embody at John XXIII College. Your resilience and your perseverance has shone brightly this week. Well done Jack!

Year 8 Rowing Program – Term 3

Thank you to all students in Year 8 that have signed up to take part in our Rowing Program for Term 3. Rowing is the ultimate team sport where students develop many skills, not only physically, but also mentally and emotionally. For any student or families that have questions, please feel free to contact me on email 

Volunteers needed

We need the support of all John XXIII Rowing families to volunteer to run the bbq, café and cake stalls on Saturday 25 June at Champion Lakes.  Many hands make light work and we greatly appreciate all parents, students (great opportunity for Roncalli Service) and extended families helping us out with hosting of this HUGE event!

Final raffle drop off

Thanks to all who have dropped off raffle prizes this week, the raffles are looking great. We have one final opportunity to drop off raffle prizes next Thursday 9 June after school outside the St Louis Sport Centre (carpark side). 


Note: if you have any different or larger donations or vouchers these are most welcome, please get in touch as we can raffle these separately. Email Amanda 

Head of the River merchandise

Head of the River Merchandise will be available to order from this weekend, so to get in the first wave of orders, come on down to our tent and get your orders in.





Lorrelle Fortune

John XXIII Rowing Coordinator