
Winter sun protection 

As the weather starts to get cooler many people start wondering if there is a need to protect themselves from the sun’s damaging rays. The answer is yes. There is still a need to protect ourselves, even in winter. Sun damage is caused by UV radiation, not temperature. A cool or overcast day in summer can have similar UV levels to a warm, sunny day.


 It is important that SunSmart behaviour becomes a consistent lifestyle choice and is not solely associated with summer activities.


It's important to apply SPF 50+ sunscreen whenever you’re going to be outside for more than a few minutes and UV index is 3 or higher.


A website for learning about the UV index is


If you are outside, any sunscreen should be reapplied every two hours. More often if you are active.


Whenever you’re outdoors don’t forget to Slip on a shirt, Slop on sunscreen, Slap on a sunsmart hat, Seek shade and Slide on some sunglasses.


You can download the SunSmart App on the App store and Google Play Store.


Jenny Hill

College Nurse








Reference: Cancer Council WA