From the Principal

Parents as partners in education

At enrolment interviews, I often make reference to parents as the most important educators for their children. As a College we try to support the values and expectations of the home.


In the last 12 months our Parents' Association has developed a set of guidelines for interaction within the College community. It was anticipated that we would launch the guidelines via our Parent Information Evenings in Term 1, however, COVID restrictions prevented that from occurring.


This week, our first Parents' Association meeting for the year was conducted and the guidelines were discussed. Well done to our Parents' Association; we have wonderful parents who are incredibly supportive of our College.


I commend the guidelines to all our families. We have corresponding student and staff guidelines and it is always an excellent reflective tool to ensure we are adhering to the high expectations of John XXIII College.

Parent Code of Conduct

In living our Gospel values: 

  1. We treat everyone with respect and dignity, recognising the right of each student, parent/guardian and staff member to feel safe and be valued as a member of our community. 
  2. We celebrate diversity and respect the dignity, culture, values and beliefs of each member of our school community. 
  3. We act reflectively and ethically and commit to building positive relationships with all groups within the community. We maintain the highest standard of personal conduct while at the College and in the wider community, and we consider the interests and values of the College when exercising our right to freedom of speech and participating in public debate or discussion, particularly on social media platforms. 
  4. We treat personal information about members of our school community as private and confidential, and we use social media respectfully and appropriately, in accordance with the Parents’ Association Social Media Guidelines (found in SEQTA Documents in the Codes of Conduct category). 
  5. We give priority to student safety and well-being in all our behaviour and decision making. We pledge to follow traffic rules around the College in accordance with the College Parking and Pick-up and Drop-off Guide (found in SEQTA Documents in the Policies and Guidelines category). 
  6. We disclose to a member of the College Leadership Team any information that a reasonable person would recognise may be relevant to the safety and wellbeing of our children. 
  7. We seek out first-hand sources of information directly from the College Principal or relevant staff in the event of a dispute or allegation, rather than relying on hearsay, opinion, rumour or assumptions. 
  8. We use the College Dispute and Complaint Resolution Policy (found in SEQTA Documents in the Policies and Guidelines category) to resolve items of concern. 
  9. We encourage and support our children to engage in faith and service activities, following the example of our Founders: Pope John XXIII, Mary Ward and Ignatius of Loyola. 


Robert Henderson
