Parents & Friends (P&F)

TERM 2 2022

Dear Families


Dear Families


Mother’s Day Thank You!


Thank you for all your support at the Mother’s Day Breakfast and Raffle. We made over $700. The Dad’s (Rob, Rod, Paul, Ian, Roberto, Brett and Thinus) did a fabulous job selling tickets for the raffle, serving and clearing up.


We also thank our local community for their help with the raffle prizes.  

FrescoBlack Rock Cellars

All About You

Busta Move

Café Odo

Popcorn Blue

Temple Soul

Ladybird Kitchen

Soenna Health by Carly Simunic


We would also like to thank Kristina (LSO) for supporting the children to wrap their beautiful flower bouquets. 


Hot Chips FridayThere were a lot of happy children (and some adults) eating hot chips. It was so lovely to see many families stop for a chat before the weekend. Special thanks to those who donated Air Fryers to use and all those who helped on the day - Trish, Kate, Sarah, Katja, Bianca and Bridgette.


What’s coming Up


Mum’s Dinner – 2nd June

Join us for dinner at Sazios on Thursday 2nd June. 

P&F Meeting - 3rd June

The next P&F Meeting is on Friday 3rd June at 2.30pm in the meeting room. All are welcome to attend. 

Hot Chocolate Friday - 10th June

After school on Friday 10th June join us for a Hot Chocolate before we head into the long weekend. Details will be available on Operoo. Please note, this replaces the Friday Sausage Sizzles that was scheduled for this date.

Silent Disco/Cheese & Wine Night – 16th June

The children will enjoy a silent disco in the hall, where they will wear wireless headphones and choose a music channel to listen to and a DJ will host some games. Meanwhile in the wellbeing room parents can chat and enjoy some cheese and wine.

Casual Friday – 17th June

For a gold coin donation children can wear their pyjamas or casual clothes to school

Amalocal Fundraiser – Collection 17th June

Last year we ran two successful fundraisers with Amalocal. Not only will we get the chance to support local suppliers, but we will raise money for our school! For every box sold, we will raise $20. Our aim is to sell 50 boxes and raise $1000. Details will be available on Operoo.

Cake Stall – 24th June

On the last day of Term, Lady Bird Kitchen will be hosting a cake stall. Last year’s cake stalls were incredibly popular, so get in quick! Lady Bird Kitchen will make a % of sales donation to our school.





10th June

Friday Night Sausage Sizzle

A chance to catch up after school, enjoying a sausage sizzle whilst the kids play.


13th June

Public Holiday


16th June (TBC)

Silent Disco/Parent’s Cheese & Wine 

The children will enjoy a silent disco (they will wear headphones and choose a music station to listen and dance to) whilst the parents gather to enjoy some wine and cheese

Friday 17th JunePJ FridayAfter dancing the night away at the Silent Disco, you can wear your PJs to school for a gold coin donation.
Monday 20th June

Pupil Free Day


Tuesday 21st June

P&F Meeting

Join us for the P&F meeting.


24th June

Last Day of Term 2

Parents and Caregivers Social Night

Book a babysitter and join the St. Joseph’s parents and caregivers for an evening out.



Class Reps for 2022

Prep - Bridgette Conway

Grade 1/2 - Bianca Hodgson

Grade 3 - Fleur Harber

Grade 4 - Michelle Sweeney

Grade 5/6 - Nel Els