Principal's Message

(Heads, Hearts & Hands)

Liam Buckley

Reconciliation Week

Holy father, God of love, You are the creator of this land and of all good things.

We acknowledge the pain and shame of our history and the suffering of our peoples- especially the grief of those who were taken, as children from their homes and families, taken from all they knew and loved.

We ask your forgiveness.

We thank you for the survival of our Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures.

Our hope is in you, because you gave your son Jesus to reconcile the world to you.

We pray for your strength and grace to forgive, accept and love one another, as you love, forgive, and accept us.

Give us the courage to acknowledge the realities of our history so that we may build a better future for our nation.

Teach us to respect all cultures.

Tech us to care for our land and waters.

Help us to share justly the resources of this land.

Help us to bring about spiritual and social change to improve the quality of life for all peoples in our communities, especially the disadvantaged.

Help young people to find true dignity and self-esteem in the ways of your Spirit.

May your power and love be the foundations on which we build our families, our communities and our Nation.



Dear Families,

Welcome to Week 6 of Term 2! The term is flying by and we have only 4 weeks left. Teachers are busy assessing students for their mid year reports and our students are busy with all of their classes and specialist subjects. 

Please welcome to St Joseph's our new Learning Support Officer Sharon Gerussi-Locke. Sharon is with us on Monday and Wednesday and has already added lots of value into our middle school. 


On June 10th we will having a fundraiser (casual clothes/gold coin) to support 

Woodburn School in  Lismore NSW which was impacted hugely during the floods in the summer. We will be joining the Peninsula Principals' Network of about 20 schools to raise money on the same day. Please support us to support another school. It's also Hot Chocolate Friday !


Foundation Friendship Potions


What ingredients make a great friend? If you want to find out, check out these little stars and what they have be preparing with Miss Wood in Foundation.


Cladding works

Safety improvements at school will take place soon. More news to follow via Operoo later in the week.


Homework Policy


We are currently reviewing our homework policy. We would be happy to seek feedback via our Class Reps once we have a draft format. 

This link is a good place to start considering the role of homework.

Scholastic Book Fair

We will have the Scholastic Book Fair set up in our school hall. Please pop in and have a look before or after school from Monday to Thursday. Thanks to those parents and Cathy who are helping supervise.


Parent Support Groups will be during Week 8 the 15th and 16th of June. We will be reviewing the adjustments and goals for the students in partnership with families.


Foundation PMP (Perceptual Motor Program)

As part of our Health and PE curriculum our junior students are enjoying the brand new PMP equipment. Mrs Conway is promoting and encouraging their eye/hand and eye/foot coordination, fitness, balance, locomotion and eye-tracking skills.


Interschool Sport 


It was absolute pleasure last Friday to take the St Joseph's Footy Team to play against St Agnes. The weather was perfect, spirits were high and the team were superb. What a great afternoon with children having fun and encouraging each other. St Joseph's won a great game. 

Net-ballers had a tough game at home last week and will be keen to play again in Week 6 in our home fixture against St Joseph's Elsternwick on Friday 3rd.

👫👬👭 P&F 👭👬 👫

Please see P&F page


We encourage as many members of the community to get involved with the P&F as it is the most effective ways to have some agency in school run events. Not only that, but it's a great way to meet other parents in the community.

Please see all events for Term 2 on the P&F page!!


Student reports and parent/teacher meetings:

Student reports will be sent home on Friday 17th June with Parent Teacher meetings happening across Wednesday and Thursday of 22nd and 23rd of June. We will be in touch with details near the time.


School Readiness Session 

(for kinder parents) 9-10am 

Please let friends and family know that we will be running a 'School Readiness Session' here at school on Friday 17th June.

 🏫 Open Days 

We will continue to host Open Days in Term 2 - please encourage anyone you know to visit if they are looking for a great school next year.

They will be on Thursday mornings 19th May - 9th June between 9am - 11am, but personalised tours are available through the office any day of the week.

🦘 Junior Joeys

We are back!! 

We are inviting parents and pre-schoolers to visit St Joseph's on Wednesday afternoons on the following dates between 2.30pm - 3.30pm: 

Please let friends and neighbours know if they are looking for a school for 2023.

It's an informal and fun way to visit St Joseph's and meet some staff and children. 

                 Junior Joeys Term 2 
Wednesday 2.30pm - 3.30pm1st June
Wednesday 2.30pm - 3.30pm8th June

💻 Coding Club

We're excited to host CodeCamp on Thursdays after school starting 11th May. It's a great opportunity for the children to have some fun with friends while building their capacity in coding and STEM. Also, think of that extra time you can have catching up on emails, work phone calls and housework while they're out of the house after school - it's a no brainer!

📆 Save the date:

Reminder that we have 

Term 2

Wednesday Junior Joeys Wellbeing 
Thursday Open Morning for potential parents

Whole School Mass 9.15am

Pentecost Sunday

 Interschool Sport

Other dates:

School Closure dates (non student days)  : 
June 20th 2022 (Monday last week of Term 2)
October 28th (Friday before Melb Cup weekend)
Nov 1st (Melbourne Cup Day) 
First Communion


20th July 6pm 



August 19th 5.30pm 

Hey St Joe's Crew

We're all set to go for our term 2 St Joe's Dad's Drinks from 7pm on Friday 10 June at the Black Rock Sports Club in Fern Street, Black Rock.

This will be our usual informal session, so please come along for a relaxed chat, a few drinks, and a catch-up with some of the current and past menfolk from St Joe's. 

Contact Ian Jones + Nick Harber + Sam Mannix + Paul Davys if you have any questions.

🥋 Karate 

Check out the website for bookings if you are interested.



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