From the Principal

Michelle Bruitzman

~ Do all that you do with love ~


Dear Parents and Friends of St Therese's Primary School,


It was an exciting Monday this week when the senior students departed for Phillip Island for their two-night camp. The weather was cold and wet as they boarded the buses and headed off. However, once they were at Phillip Island the rain went away and they could enjoy a great afternoon of activities. I joined them in the late afternoon and went with them to the Penguin Parade and then stayed for dinner and the disco. The students loved seeing the cute little Fairy penguins make their way across the beach to the sand dunes under the light of the full moon. It was a very special night. Michelle Hinds has informed me that they had a wonderful day today and are looking forward to the Talent Show tonight. I am so grateful that our senior students can enjoy camp this year! Here are some happy snaps of the campers.

Back at school, we really know that Winter is just around the corner. The children spent all day Monday indoors due to the persistent rain, and today while dry was very cold. Please make sure to send your child in warm clothes. We now expect all children to be in their winter uniform. There are many jackets and jumpers in our Lost Property at the office. Please remind your child to come and look for their jumper there or parents are welcome to visit the office to collect any lost items of clothing. It is always a good idea to name your child's clothes to make finding lost items easier!


It is nearly that time of year again when we submit our data for the National Consistent Collection of Data (NCCD). Students who require additional support to access their learning due to learning difficulties or behavioral difficulties are included in this data collection. An information letter is attached for any parent who wishes to know more. 



Community Hub News

The Community Hub is slowly growing. This week at Sing and Grow we had 10 parents and their pre-school children attend. Mrs Lloyd is very happy with this turnout. Please see the Wellbeing and Community Hub page in this newsletter for more information and dates and times for other events.


Covid Update

This week a letter went out to families explaining that it is no longer a requirement for children to use the RATs twice a week. We will continue to send home the RATs that can be used when needed. Please don't forget that if your child is a Close Contact and you choose to send them to school they must be tested for Covid each school day during their 7 day isolation period. Don't forget to let the school know if your child tests positive to Covid.


Please keep all staff and students who are currently unwell with Covid in your prayers. 


Staffing News

Congratulations to Meegan Blackney who has recently been appointed as Deputy Principal at St Macartan's primary school in Mornington. Meegan will have her last day at St Therese's school on June 3. For the past 6 years Meegan has led the school in the area of Teaching and Learning. She has worked tirelessly with our staff to ensure they deliver the best curriculum outcomes to all students. While we will miss Meegan, I know you will join me in wishing her all the very best in this new chapter of her life.


Have a wonderful week.


Michelle Bruitzman
