
By Bianca Liburti

5B reflects on faunal and floral emblems around Australia


This term in Inquiry, students have been deepening their understanding of Australian fauna and flora. They have discovered many new animals and plants, including the Red Kangaroo, the Golden Wattle and Sturt’s Desert Rose.  Below are some facts that 5B have discovered.



Ray: When a platypus is shown under ultraviolet light it gives off a blue green colour.


Sahithya: Numbats have a good sense of smell.


Minh: The Red and Green Kangaroo Paw plant gets its name from the leaves.


Deneth: The Waratah flower is the national flower of New South Wales.


Antonia: Tasmanian Devils’ bites are so powerful they could crush bones.


Ruhain: The Sturt’s Desert Rose has 9cm long flowers.


Emmanuel: The Sturt’s Desert Rose is found in New South Wales.


Mithun: Tasmanian Devils store fat in their tails.


Saisha: Numbats are active when the termites are active.


Chenuli: The Golden Wattle Flower can be used in medicine, glues, perfumes and ceremonial decorations.