Assistant Principal's Report

By Roland Lewis

In 2022, the theme for Education Week is “Celebrating 150 Years of Education in Victoria.”  At GWPS, we have changed the focus to “Celebrating Learning” as we feel this is a more suitable theme for our young students. On Tuesday 24th May, we will be opening our doors to all members of the GWPS community as we showcase the high quality teaching and learning that happens every day at our wonderful school. 


Every year at our school, Term Two and Four have a strong science focus.  This term, all our science units are guided by our whole school thread of “Human Impact” – as we invite you into our levels and classrooms, we also invite you to interact with our students and join in with the learning.  This is an opportunity for you to help deepen our students’ understanding by bringing your unique perspective of how and where you see human impact in their science topics.


While it is a great opportunity to visit your child’s classroom, we strongly encourage you to take this opportunity to also see what teaching and learning looks like in other year levels and classrooms. 


The information below outlines how our open morning will run.



Welcome by Mr. Catalano, School Captains and our Science captains.


9.15am – 10.45am          

Open morning.  Visitors are encouraged to visit numerous classes to see the diverse learning opportunities across our school.


Around the school.
10.45amConclusion and reflection with Mr. Lewis, School Captains and our Science captains.Gymnasium


Each year level will be conducting a science focussed lesson, which aligns with their inquiry units. Below is a summary of what you can expect to see.


  • Prep: Exploring and creating solutions for problems we can see in our school environment. 
  • Year 1:  Having learned about the life cycles of plants and animals, students will be exploring how the environment can affect these life cycles.
  • Year 2:  Exploring a range of different methods for creating cleaning products and analysing the chemical makeup of these products.
  • Year 3:  Students will be investigating how pollution impacts familiar environments and then using this to create a novel solution.
  • Year 4:  Student in Year Four will be conducting scientific experiments to compare the effectiveness of natural versus processes cleaning products.
  • Year 5: A collaboration between peers and parents as students plan and design structures that could help support native flora and fauna in the local area.
  • Year 6: Students would love to collaborate with and learn from parents as they research how geographical location increases the likelihood of specific natural disasters.