Parish News

News from Holy Spirit Parish and Fr Arsenio


Welcome back to a new school year.  Let’s hope 2021 will be a better year for all.  We extend a very warm welcome to our Prep children and their families and any other children and families who are new to the school.


We have resumed our Saturday 6pm and Sunday 9am masses with a few differences.  There is a separate entrance door and exit door.  Everyone entering must sign in using the QR code or the sign-in sheets provided in the foyer of the Church.  The maximum number we can have in the Church is 120 and we must social distance 1.5 metres.  The chairs are placed out to reflect this and must not be moved.  Also when you arrive, we ask you take a “Reserved” sign and place it under your chair.  This will assist the clean-up team knowing which chairs were used and need to be cleaned.  Still no offertory procession and money to be collected by a volunteer who will walk around each chair.  Bag is not to be passed around.  There are 2 sanitising stations as you go to receive Communion.  We ask that you sanitise your hands before receiving the Sacrament.  Masks are not mandatory but are required to be worn if you are singing.  Tea and coffee has also resumed but can only be served in disposable cups and biscuits will be handed out with tongs.  No one is to enter the kitchen apart from the rostered people.


You can catch up on Parish news “The Word” via the Parish website.  Once again, welcome to everyone and we look forward to a wonderful year ahead.



Each Friday the children at Holy Spirit say this special prayer to begin Assembly.  You may like to say together as a family.


Holy Spirit Prayer

Come Holy Spirit

Make with in our hearts your home.

Show us how to live.

Help us out in all we do.

Be our guide.

Teach us goodness, kindness and love.

Spirit of God,

Be with us in our school.

Teach us to love, laugh and pray.

Comfort us, strengthen us.

Help us to be good.

So that all things will happen,

Just as they should.
