Inside the Classroom


The last few weeks have been very busy in Primary. Students have been accessing the spa and joining in weekly sport. Over the next few weeks there will be a number of students visiting our classes as they  transition ready for 2022.


Class 9 have been learning about the weather in Science. They enjoyed making a rain cloud in a jar. 

Sport has involved students completing gross motor and modified games on the basketball court. Some of the students have accessed the engine room and sand and water play.

Mrs Kari Priest

Primary Stage leader/ Assistant Principal

Stage 4

Stage 4 has been busy working together in a number of areas. We really enjoy helping each other learn and solving problems together.

Students are working on tie-dyeing T-shirts in Technology Mandatory.

We are loving spending time in the Engine Room and the Retreat. Our new student, Sophie has had a great start at Anson St and is enjoying making new friends.

We are making music together in Class 8 and have been using a variety of methods, like drawing, Minecraft and LEGO, to design and create an animal enclosure.

Mrs Kate Griffen

Stage 4 Leader/ Head Teacher Learning

Stage 5

As part of our community NAIDOC celebrations our students played adapted Indigenous games. They burnt off some excess energy in the wet weather, while learning about games that Indigenous students traditionally played.


Our curious scientists from classes 10 and 14 have been conducting some fantastic experiments in class. Using scientific methods such as controlling variables and developing a hypothesis, the students have completed 3 experiments so far. These include discovering the way different metals corrode in water, exploring how vinegar can dissolve an egg shell, and testing the efficiency of different alcohols as combustion fuels. The students have enjoyed seeing the results of their experiments. 

With all the sunshine, warm weather and rain the garden is flourishing! Our Agriculture students have been working hard at the farm planting zucchini, herbs and chives. We are going to have a bumper crop this season.

Mrs Elke Cunial/ Assistant Principal

Stage 5 Leader

Stage 6

Stage 6 students have been busy engaging in a variety of fun learning activities. All students in stage 6 have contributed to recycled art project using a range of coloured recycled plastics to create a 3-dimensional rainbow mosaic. 

Year 12 students are completing their life ready identity and values and road safety modules as part of their term 4 program. All students have been accessing the Skills House to consolidate specific independent living skills, in particular phone answering, office skills, cleaning and cooking. 

Stage 6 have been focusing on spreading kindness through a range of school wide projects for staff and students. 

Year 11 students have finalised their leadership speeches & campaigns for voting to take place this week.  Students in work studies have planned, designed and cooked goods for sale as part of their entrepreneurial projects module. 


Mrs Jess Hodder 

 Stage 6 Leader/ Assistant Principal


OLC1 embarked on a chair restoration project for our school 'recycling challenge'. Students sanded back the wooden legs and tie-dyed the fabric cover and the result is fantastic. OLC classes have started a new unit on social and emotional awareness and can be seen below conducting a 'My Frustration' science experiment 

Earth moving was undertaken last week for the construction of our environmental track beside the vineyard. Students are looking forward to planning, landscaping and developing it further over the coming months. 


Mrs Cassie Lloyd 

Head Teacher Campus