Positive Education @ Anson

Character Pillars


Kindness, gratitude, curiosity and hope are the four character pillars we embed across all our teaching and learning activities at Anson Street School. The planner below has some great ideas for focusing on kindness together as a family. Challenge your family to tick off one activity each day next week.

Mrs Jenny Rosser

Instructional Leader Wellbeing



Positive Behaviour for Learning (PBL)

As the weather becomes warmer we are implementing our Sun Safe Policy across the school. This involves applying, or assisting students to apply sunscreen before breaks and grabbing their hat when heading out to play. Students are encouraged to find a shady spot to cool down after exercising and to drink plenty of water. We are very excited that we will soon have a new bubbler and water refill tower installed on the oval. 

Our PBL focus is Stay safe in the sun and classes are investigating how to slip on a shirt, slop on some sunscreen, slap on a hat, seek shade and slide on sunnies.

PBL stars who are consistently being respectful, responsible and safe role models in the school environment are:


Congratulations to these students!


Mrs Julie Hudson

Deputy Principal and PBL Coordinator