Principal's Report

Acting Principal - Julie Hommelhoff 

Assistant Principal -Anthea Mathers 

Welcome back to our students, staff and families. We are really happy to have everyone back at school and looking forward to restrictions being even further reduced, in the near future.


Changes to COVID restrictions 

All schools will be able to recommence a range of activities, consistent with community settings and school vaccination requirements. This means that from Monday 1 November schools will be able to:

  • hold graduations and other assemblies consistent with community density limits
  • travel across Victoria for camps and excursions
  • resume interschool activities such as sport and debating
  • deliver the full range of curriculum programs, including music and performing arts
  • conduct transition programs for kinder students beginning Prep in 2022 and Grade 6 students transitioning to Year 7 in 2022 (further detail will be included in the updated School Operations Guide on Monday 1 November)
  • have a range of visitors onsite, including photographers, guest speakers and MPs.

This is great news! Further information about Covid Safe measures will be included in the next edition of the DET Operations Guide and the ETRS virtual newsletter. 



Dear Parents/Carers,

I am writing to you to provide an update on changes to Semester 2 student reports at Echuca Twin Rivers School.

At Echuca Twin Rivers School we know it is vital to involve students and their parents/carers in learning. This includes providing a written report to parents/carers on student progress and achievement at least twice a year.

The Department of Education and Training has recently adjusted the expectations around student reporting for Semester 2 in recognition of the disruption caused by COVID-19.

Echuca Twin Rivers School will therefore provide a modified written report for the parent/carer of each student enrolled at the school for Semester 2, 2021 focusing on what progress has been made and what has been achieved by each child.

Reports will include:

  • a description of the areas of the Victorian Curriculum Foundation to Level 10, including Towards Foundation Levels A to D, taught.
  • for English and Mathematics:
  • student achievement information represented on a continuum of learning.
  • progress made since the last time these curriculum areas were reported on.
  • a five-point scale.
  • for all other curriculum areas taught:
  • a short comment on progress and achievement across the semester.

Parents/carers are welcome to contact their child’s classroom teacher via ClassDojo to arrange a time to discuss your child’s report. 

Thank you for your continued support during the transition between remote and flexible learning and onsite learning.


Mental Health in Primary Schools Pilot

We are very excited to announce that our school will be involved in the Mental Health in Primary Schools Pilot in 2022. The MHiPS Pilot is a Victorian Government initiative, designed to promote a whole-school approach to mental health and wellbeing. The Pilot is being delivered in partnership with Murdoch Children’s Research Institute and the Melbourne Graduate School of Education.

The Pilot provides our school with funding during 2022 to employ a teacher-qualified professional as a Mental Health and Wellbeing Coordinator who will assist to lead a whole-school approach to mental health prevention and early intervention approaches that are embedded in the classroom. This will enable us to further deepen our current practices to support our students’ wellbeing.

The Mental Health and Wellbeing Coordinator will compliment the school’s existing wellbeing team and strengthen our connections with broader local community services and other health professionals to engage and build relationships with appropriate mental health and wellbeing supports.



Just a friendly reminder that all children who are travelling to school via bike or scooter are required by law to wear a helmet. If your child does not have a helmet at the end of the day, their bike will remain at school.  Your assistance with this is greatly appreciated. Please contact the office if you need some support in accessing a helmet for your child. 


Bus Pick up/Drop off Area

There have been some cars parking in the Bus Zone area on Wilkinson Drive, making the space unavailable for buses to park in the morning and after school.  Please observe the Bus signage and do not park in this area at the times requested.




School Arrival Times 

Students have been arriving at school well before 8:30am recently and this is a major safety concern. Active supervision of students does not begin until 8:30am when the gates open. There have been several reports of unsafe and anti-social behaviour occurring on Wilkinson Drive concerning many residents and motorists. We kindly request that students arrive at school no earlier than 8:30am. If this is a concern for you, please contact School's Out for before school care.


Reviewing our School's Wellbeing Vision


Over the past 3 years, our school has made significant, positive cultural shifts and together, we have developed and implemented a consistent whole school approach to student wellbeing and engagement guided by the School Wide Behaviour Support Framework. The success of this is a result of a unwavering belief by our staff that things will get better, with education and explicit teaching, attitudes will change; and with the resources and supports put in place, our school will become a safe, supportive and engaging place to be for all its members.

Over the next 3 years, the Department will be providing our school with a significant amount of resources to support inclusion and promote our students' mental health and wellbeing. This survey aims to gain an insight into the needs of our staff,  students and school community that will enable us to develop a vision for Wellbeing and Inclusion at Echuca Twin Rivers School. This vision will direct our future planning and guide the development and implementation of policies, processes and strategies that will ultimately foster the development of respectful, resilient, responsible and inclusive future members of our community.  

As you are completing this survey please think about 'What do picture for your child when they graduate from our school in Year 6?'

I have added 'What else?' numerous times after the question. This is not a mistake but a deliberate attempt to prompt further thinking and responses.

Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey, your responses are important and valued  that will support the future direction of Wellbeing and Inclusion at our school.


School Wide Positive Behaviour Update


This Term's Behaviour Focus: 

Our Value focus this term is to re-cap on all Values. 


Respect, Inclusion, Responsibility, Resilience, (Academic Excellence)  


Stay Safe. 


Julie Hommelhoff                   Anthea Mathers

Acting Principal                     Assistant Principal