From the Deputy 

Transition for 2022


Dear Families,


It's hard to believe that we are almost half-way through the final term of the year and Christmas is on the horizon (whether you're ready for it or not).  At this time of year it's only natural that we start to look to the future to prepare our children for the next steps in their education.  Transition often brings out various emotions including excitement, nervousness and insecurity. It is always our goal to ensure that every student transitions smoothly, confidently and with a sense of excitement about what the future holds.


In order to support all of our students in preparing for this next transition we have the following planned for the coming weeks: 

  • Prep for 2022 - A series of three orientation sessions will be held so that our 'future stars' and newest students will have the opportunity to meet one another, their teacher and their Year 6 buddies. They will also have the opportunity to familiarise themselves with the school environment and to be welcomed by the school community.
  • Year One - Year 5 for 2022- All students will participate in a 'Moving Up' day where they will meet their teacher and class for 2022.  This will take place in the second last week of this term.
  • Year 7 for 2022 - Our Year 6 students will be participating in the 'Moving Up' transition program facilitated by the Glen Eira Council on Wednesday 10th November.  Students will also be attending their new school settings for an Orientation Day. Our Year 6 teachers have also planned for past students who are currently in Year 7 to share their views on what it was like to start secondary school.  In this time, Year 6 students will have the opportunity to ask questions so that any concerns they may have about this next step can be alleviated.

If you recognise that your child may need additional support in transitioning into a new class or their new school, please do not hesitate to speak with your child's teacher.


with best wishes,


Peta Overbury

Deputy Principal

Teaching and Learning Leader

Wellbeing Leader