Remote Learning Foundation (Prep)

Welcome Back!

It was so wonderful to invite the Prep students back into the classroom this week. We finally got to celebrate our 100 Days of School, which had been postponed a number of times due to lockdowns. Monday morning began with games on the oval and some time in the classroom to play and reconnect. We then enjoyed making necklaces with 100 beads and decorating, cutting and pasting our special '100 glasses'.


The students looked fabulous in their costumes. There were children dressed as 100-year olds, some with special t-shirts representing 100 and some wearing outfits to show what they would like to be when they grow up. We would like to thank the parents for their support in helping the children dress up on this special day. Hopefully everyone received their certificate for 100 days of learning, which came home this week as well.


On Tuesday and Wednesday we focused on the correct formation of the letter Z, story writing, reading and money. We also enjoyed creating fantastic zebras, using a combination of drawing, cut/paste and painting. 


Please enjoy some photos taken this week.