Deputy principal's News

Dear Parents,

We hope this letter finds you well. With the growing popularity of smartwatches and phones, we have noticed an increasing number of children bringing these devices to school. While we understand the convenience and benefits these devices offer, it is important to address the potential dangers and safety concerns associated with their use in a school environment.


To ensure the safety and well-being of all students, we will be implementing new school guidelines in which all smartwatches and phones must be handed in to the teacher each day and returned each day. 

This will help prevent any potential distractions, cyberbullying, and access to inappropriate material during school hours.


We understand that these devices are an important part of daily life for many families, but we believe it is crucial to create a safe and distraction-free environment for learning.


Please help us in supporting this policy and encourage your children to leave their devices at home or hand them in to their teacher each day.


If you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to reach out to us. We appreciate your support in creating a safe and secure environment for all students.



Martin Earl 

E-Learning Leader


For further information on the use of phones and smart devices at school please see the following articles and webpages.


Victoria Government Schools – Phones to be off and stored securely during the day


Article – 8 Reasons why schools ban smart watches