Cyber Safety 

Tech safety for your child at home - Project Rockit free parent webinar 

From Kirsten, Wellbeing Team


As part of our partnership with Project Rockit, we aim to support our students to be safe digital citizens. 


To support e-safety at home, NMPS families have been provided the free opportunity to join a live webinar. The aim is to share PROJECT ROCKIT's strengths-based approach that empowers students to take action when they see cyberbullying happen. Families will be taken through an overview of key social media platforms, insight into the opportunities and risks of young people being online, proactive and reactive strategies to share with young people and promoting healthy online use. 


The webinar duration is one hour plus 15 minutes for Q&A. 


When: Wednesday 1 March  at 6 pm 


 Please use this link to register 


This Webinar is offered by Project Rockit and is not exclusive to NMPS families.