School Council News

Notes from School Council and the School Council President

The Meeting on Monday evening was the last before the new school council steps up in March.


The 27th March is the date for the Annual General Meeting. - All parents are welcome to attend.


The Annual Implementation plan for Newham Primary school was delivered to Council and will be available for the newsletter and the school website in due course.


Dates for the School Camp, Curriculum days and School Council meetings for the whole year were set. Please see the Calendar of Events and uEducateUs for confirmation as the dates draw near. School council meeting dates are in the School Contacts section.


It was determined that the date for the Working Bee was too soon and it will be rescheduled. In the meantime it was decided that small jobs would be put out to families who may be able to work on the task as a small project at their own convenience. Please see the list in the Principal's Report.


Nominations for School Council close at 4pm on Monday 6th March. 

Forms were in the last newsletter or are available at the office.