Principal's Report
Simone Wood, Principal
Principal's Report
Simone Wood, Principal
Hi Everyone,
Newham Students have settled into their routines old and new and the vibe throughout the school is excellent!
As you may have noticed there have been significant changes to our newsletter. There are more specialised pages, so that we can provide familes with information to cover all aspects of our school life (Not every page will be in the newsletter every week).
There are opportunities in the newsletter for our student leaders, staff and the community to provide up-to-date information or events of interest.
Knowing that sometimes uEducateUs can cause some folk to not receive the newsletter in a timely fashion was one of the reasons that the newsletter has gone onto the internet and can be access via our website.
Please take the time to read through the newsletter, there are a lot of photos celebrating our achievements as well as important dates and upcoming events.
Hanging Rock Cross Country
Throughout this newsletter you will see plenty of photos taken of the event. It was an absolutely fantastic day! The weather was great, the vibe was terrific and it was wonderful to see so many of our parents there, marshalling, cheering and running!
Thank you everyone!
A HUGE thank you to Mr Furphy, Ms Fullard and Rai for their early arrival for setting up and the meticulous planning that went into the activities. Thank you to Mdme Lee and the Woodend-Hanging Rock Petanque Club. I reckon we might give them a run for their money after the skills I witnessed today!
The most impressive thing I saw was the caring and support our senior students provided to the juniors. Siblings helping each other over the line, or running along side them or their buddies.
It is truly wonderful to see our little school rediscovering its mojo, getting back into the rhythm of school life and reinvigorating the joy of being together.
I would especially like to mention a few of our students.
The fortitude of Thomas N. who kept going and inspired his fellow students (he received an ovation from his classmates as he crossed the finish line).
Henry who gave his sister Audrey the biggest hug once she has crossed the finish line, having run with her for her final sprint.
Logan who was so pleased with his unbeatable shot to win the Petanque game.
A nod of appreciation!
Thankyou to Freya and Jessie for cleaning up the mess that the crows had made of our bins.
Cam and his mum Leighan who saw that the crow mess had blown even further than expected, went home and got some garbage bags and came back to school and cleaned up the remainder.
We are grateful!
The Working Bee on the 5th of March has been postponed.
Instead, we would like to ask any parents who are willing to come in at their convenience and pick a task that they can complete for us.
Please see Libby about the following tasks.
Next week there will be raffle tickets heading home and one of these beaut Baskets could be yours for EASTER! The raffle will be drawn on the last day of school Thursday 6th April.
Yellow Ribbon is 1st prize : Big Bunny, big eggs, big everything!
Blue ribbon is 2nd prize : Easter book, easter cooking and plenty of eggs.
Red ribbon is 3rd & 4th prize : Little bunny and plenty of eggs.