From the Principal's Desk

Welcome to the first edition of our newsletter for 2023.  Our newsletter is published every fortnight on even weeks each Wednesday. We aim to provide as much information as possible for families and our community.  We are very happy to include notices and/or information about upcoming events in our local community.  Please email any information to the school if you wish to include this in a newsletter.  

Welcome Kindergarten - Class of 2023

Last week, we welcomed 6 new students into kindergarten.  What a confident and happy group of students we have!  It is wonderful to see them all settling in to our school routines. Thanks to Jess Fortescue, Sarah Harper, Claire Wood and Kirrily Hahn for helping them to transition to school so well.

Swimming Success

Congratulations to every student who attended the Swimming Carnival last Monday.  What a successful day... and for those of you who haven't heard... we won the carnival!  Our students displayed wonderful sportsmanship and courage on the day.  Well done everyone.  The PSSA Zone Swimming Carnival will be held tomorrow at the Monckton Aquatic Centre.  All the best to Naomi, Abby, Cailey, Sam, Toby, Mackenzie, Presley and Phoebe!

Show Success

Congratulations to our students who's show entries were awarded a prize, these will be handed out at our assembly on Friday. Miss Miller took these photos when she visited the exhibit.

No Sharing of Food

Last week, we provided every family with a notice about students NOT sharing food at school. This is extremely important for the safety and health of one of our students.  Please ensure you speak with you child/children about NOT sharing food with anyone else at school.  Thank you for your help.

Thanks Bec, Dean and Izzy

A big thank you to Bec, Dean and Izzy for looking after the school chickens since October last year.  Our chickens are back at school and the students are enjoying having them back.  Thanks again for helping us out over the last few months.

NAPLAN 2023 - Years 3 and 5 - 15-24 March

NAPLAN is a national literacy and numeracy assessment that students in Years 3, 5, 7 and 9 sit each year. NAPLAN assesses the literacy and numeracy skills that students are learning through the school curriculum and allows parents/carers to see how their child is progressing against national standards and over time. NAPLAN is just one aspect of a school’s assessment and reporting process. It doesn’t replace ongoing assessments made by teachers about student performance.


NAPLAN assessments will be conducted online in 2023, with the exception for Year 3 students who will hand write their writing task.  The tasks will be completed from Wednesday 15-24 March 2023 at school.  Please contact me at the school if you have any questions regarding your child's participation in the assessments.

Best Start Assessments - Kindergarten

Mrs Fortescue and Mrs Haper are currently conducting our Best Start assessments for students in kindergarten.  These assessments will provide some information on how to support your child in the classroom.  A report will also be generated from the information for parents.  Mrs Fortescue will have this information available in the coming weeks.

Mrs Fortescue Taking Leave 

Jess Fortescue will commence leave from week 8 of this term.  I will have further information soon on a relieving teacher for Lower Division.

Assembly this Friday

I welcome everyone to our first assembly for 2023 on Friday afternoon from 2.15pm.   Our Year 6 students will be in charge on the day!  Everyone is most welcome to join us.

Attendance in 2023

This year, we aim to increase our daily attendance back to 100%, or as close to this as possible, each and every day.  This is a major focus for every public and high school in 2023. COVID, lock downs and restrictions brought a lot of uncertainty for many of us and impacted on our ability to attend school/work each day.  Of course, there are times when we are unwell or we need to take leave and this is understandable and completely normal.  Classes start at Rocky River at 9am and finish at 3pm and it is important for students to be here on time to start classes each day. We are also  looking at how we can reward students for high attendance.  I thank you, in anticipation of your help, in making sure all students are at school each day, for a full day of learning!


Have a great fortnight!


Brad Hunt
