Purpose, Potential, Success - Don’t Overthink it!  

“Not only is success different things for different people, it is also different things for the same person over time. It’s an idea. A story. It’s fluid.  It changes. 

But there is a common denominator. We all want it!  I have never met anyone who’s chasing failure.” Craig Harper - High Performance Educator, Leader, Presenter 


Students, staff and the broader community had the opportunity to hear from Craig Harper this week.

Craig shared his unique insight into what purpose and success looks like in the modern world. He challenged us to think about what we enjoy, what we want to achieve, and what we are prepared to do to get there.

He stressed the value of commitment, effort and focus on goals, and how forming good habits paved the way to success.

He challenged our students to choose the uncomfortable path, and grow in that space.

Craig is one of Australia’s leading presenters, writers and educators in the areas of health, high-performance, resilience, self-management, leadership, corporate change, communication, stress management, addiction and personal transformation.

Craig has been an integral part of the Australian health and fitness industry since 1982 and in that time has worked as an Exercise Scientist, Corporate Speaker, Consultant, University Lecturer, AFL Conditioning Coach, Radio Host, TV Presenter, Writer and successful Business Owner. 

Craig currently hosts a successful Podcast called ‘The You Project’, is partnering with the Neuroscience Team at Monash University exploring the spectrum of human thinking, and he’s also completing a Ph.D. in Neuropsychology.

You can find out more about Craig via Instagram and Facebook, or tune in to his Podcast.