Library News

with Mrs Nackovski


Each week all students have a library time during which they browse and borrow books. We have an extensive collection of quality fiction and non-fiction books from which to choose from. Please encourage your child to bring a library bag each week to borrow and to read regularly.


Your child has library on the following days:

Tuesday: 1/2L

Wednesday: KB, 3MP

Thursday: KJ, 4/5L, 5/6BG 

Friday: 1/2M, 1/2D, 3/4P, K-6 Koalas


Our school has subscribed to Story Box Library giving staff, students and their families 24/7 access to online stories at school and at home. Kids of all ages can use the safe and trusted Story Box Library platform independently. 

To login in, you can scan the QR codes below or visit and enter your details:

username: wrps2560box

password: wrpsboxpass




Your child received a Book Club catalogue this week. If you would like to place an order, you can register for LOOP and pay electronically by credit card. Please visit or download the LOOP app. Your order will be electronically linked to the school for free delivery to school. Please place your order by Thursday 16th February. The office will not accept any cash payments. There are two catalogues issued per term and the due date will always be 2 weeks from the date of issue. The school earns 20% back in rewards for the school library.


Mrs Nackovski - Teacher Librarian