PFA Update
Annalie Darlington
PFA Update
Annalie Darlington
Hi everyone
We are busy planning a few events for the term.
Icy poles will be sold every Friday, so remember to pop a gold coin in your child’s bag each week. In the interests of time, we will not be able to offer change or let your child choose a flavour. If you can help volunteer please sign up here.
We are also planning welcome drinks for the all the parents and guardians on Wednesday 9th March at the Cornerstone from 7.30pm. For those interested in joining the PFA please come along earlier as we will have a quick meeting from 6.30pm. Tickets for the drinks will be on sale next week for $10 which includes finger foods. Watch out for updates on this.
We have had a Prep family offer to help run sushi days, which is amazing! Please look out for more info on this in the next week or so.
We are still looking for someone with wholesaler connections to help with Mothers/Fathers Day Stall procurement. Without assistance we may not be able to run these stalls as we have in the past. Feel free to get in touch here if you can help.