Literacy Update
Maddy Reid
Literacy Update
Maddy Reid
What a start it has been to 2023!
Parent Helper's Program
Organisation and planning for our Parent Helper's training session is well underway. It is tentatively booked in for Week 10 on Wednesday the 5th of April. We will welcome our Parent Helper's into classrooms in Term 2.
We will provide two opportunities for parents/carers to join these onsite sessions at either 9:30am or 2:30pm where we will go through the PMPS guidelines and how this program might look in Prep, Year 1, Year 2 and the Year 3-6 space.
Please keep an eye out for further information on Compass and future newsletters.
Homework Expectations
Take Home Readers - should be now coming home, please refer to the Take Home Reading document attached below from Miss Candy. Please ensure that your child is reading each night.
SMART Spelling - Will commence Week 4 Monday - weekly words will be coming home each week on a Monday. Junior classes usually send this home in the form of a printout in homework books, whilst Middle to Senior classes will send digital copies on Google Classroom.
Decodable Reader's Australia
As mentioned in the previous Newsletter by Miss Candy, the online resource Decodable Reader's Australia will be accessible to parents as an added resource to support our Take Home Readers for weekly homework. These books will mainly target students in our P-4 classes.
WHAT ARE THEY? Decodable books are books that are written with a focus on a particular phonetic pattern or word family. These decodable books offer different levels based on the progression of learning phonics; letters and sounds and the skills of sounding out and blending. Each decodable book is written using specific sound-letter relationships throughout the entire text.
Staff have recently received log ins for students and will spend the following weeks setting up their classes and assessing students to determine the right levels to assign for the online library resource.
QR codes and log ins will be made available in homework books and for our senior years, on Google Classroom.
If for some reason you don't receive a log in or misplace these details by the end of Term, please contact your classroom teacher.