Carpark Update

Thank you to the families who are being incredibly patient and understanding at the moment while we make our school site as safe as possible as we transition from one system to another. We do understand how frustrating it is for everyone at the moment and I can sincerely reassure you that we are doing everything in our power to come up with a better solution while we wait on our new building and parent car park to be ready. At this stage the first phase of the new building which includes the top car park is due be handed over in term 2.


Just a few things to please adhere to:

  • There is no parking onsite at the moment. If you require to go to your child’s classroom between 8:45am and 9:00am please park offsite and walk in using the footpath that is provided. 
  • To ensure that everyone is off site by 9:15am and keeping the area safe for our children we need to close the temporary fence around 9:05am/9:10am. 
  • Please do not block the driveway. There is limited parking to the left of the drive way (as you face the main street). Buses still need to get in and out at drop off and pick up.
  • Please do not park in the no parking on the street. The council have been notified and will be in attendance soon. Please also be aware of parking restrictions in the side streets. We have asked the council for a map that clearly indicates where and for how long you can park there and we will share this as soon as we get it.
  • As always please drive with extreme caution while on school grounds. 

Lastly please remember to be respectful to each other and our staff as we navigate through this challenging time with our car park.


If you have any questions or concerns that haven’t been answered, please contact me through the office.

