Principal's Report

Coming together is a beginning, staying together is progress, and working together is success” – Henry Ford


Welcome back!

The start to 2023 for our students has been happy and positive and the air has been filled with a feeling of excitement!  A warm welcome to our new Prep families. It is amazing how well they have settled into their new school routines already. 


Capital Works

We are getting more and more excited about our new school building, and it continues to take shape each day. In the next newsletter I will have more photos of the inside of the building. The photo above is the new Professional Learning room looking into our new library.



We continue to be working on our recruitment processes and we are working with several teams and agencies every day to find the staffing that we still need. Watch this space!


Enrolment Forms

Can I just remind everyone that if you haven’t returned any forms can you please do so as soon as possible so we can get everything in order. They are essential when it comes to your children taking part in our programs. 



Our Student Support Group meetings will be taking place around week 7 of this term and we look forward to welcoming you into school to discuss your child’s goals for the year.


School Council

This year there are no parent member places that are up for nomination and we look forward to continuing to work collaboratively with our parent community and the current school council members. There will be a school council AGM soon which you are all welcome to attend. 


As always please remember you can contact me at any time with any questions or concerns.

