Community News

Piano Lessons

Private Piano lessons available with in your children’s school day . 

Qualified to take students through exam levels. 

15 min lessons on a Wednesday.

Weekly lessons by the School Term .

$16.00 plus a book supplied by myself. 

Please contact Karen Thomson if you would like to commence lessons. 

Phone: 0417503663. 



Hi, I’m Ruben Ladds. I’m a previous student of Bunyip primary school, some of you would know me, and some would know me because of my siblings. I’m in year 11 at Drouin Secondary School and I write to you today because, This March I’ve chosen to join in and support of “THE WORLDS GREATEST SHAVE” to bring awareness to blood cancer, a silent and deadly killer. Anything cancer related hits home hard for me, and I thought being that since I’ve been growing my hair for over 2 years now why not give it up to an amazing cause!! I’m reaching out and asking, if you can spare ANYTHING, big or small, every little bit helps! Myself and my family thank you from the bottoms of our heart, Ruben.