Learning Community 1

Prep Guy

We have been very busy beavers over the past two weeks. We loved dressing up to raise money for the earthquake survivors on Thursday and everyone enjoyed our Meet The Teacher afternoon, showing their family about what they have learnt so far and enjoying a sausage together. 

In Reading students have been reading their take home readers to their group with parent helpers. ( THANK YOU parent helpers) We have also begun to learn about the letters of the alphabet and the most common sound they make. We have worked on s,a,t,p,i,n so far so please play I spy with your child to help them remember these letters and their most common sound. 

In Writing/ Spelling we have begun to use the above letters to learn how to write them correctly. We have also been using this knowledge to say words aloud and write the letters which match the sounds we hear. 

In Maths we worked on 2D shapes and their properties such as lines and corners and this week we began working on numbers to 10, including the words which match. For example 1 is one, 2 is two. 

We welcome Mrs M to our grade for the next four weeks. Lauren is studying to be a teacher and this is her final placement.

Last weeks student of the week was Piper for being an amazing role model for her whole grade. She shows respect, responsibility and resilience all of the time. 

This week’s Student Of The Week is Hunter. F. for taking responsibility for his learning and completing the Mathletics tasks set for him. 


Mrs Jane Guy, Mrs Lauren Maher, Miss Brooke Jansz.

Grade 1/2 Smith/Stoll


We loved the Puppet Show last week and learnt new strategies for how to be resilient. The puppets and presenters were very funny.


We hope you are enjoying the work that is being sent home to help you have conversations with your children about their learning each day. We have been looking at making predictions and connections in Reading, adding adjectives to our writing, learning when the letter y makes an 'I' sound and learning to use MAB as well as order the days of the week.


Thank you to all our families who are finding time to do extra reading at home with your children; it is really beneficial to their development. Please keep in mind that the books we send home should be quite easy for your child so they can develop confidence, independence and enjoyment when reading. We will read more challenging texts and words at school with the Teacher that is at their own instructional level.


Mrs Kelly Smith, Miss Kate Stoll, Ms Liz Wahl.