Religious Dimension

Week 1:  Lent - Matthew 4: 1-11

The Gospel reading last Sunday, was from Matthew 4:1-11 titled 'Jesus Fasted for Forty days and Nights.'  Often the number 40 is referred to in the New Testament, but during Lent it refers to fasting, as Jesus did when he was being tempted by the Devil in the desert. Nowadays, fasting is no longer practised the way it was in the earlier days of our church. We don't encourage fasting like we once did.  Often when we think of 'fasting' our association is with food. Tell your children about the expectations for fasting that were placed on you when growing up. Did it make a difference to you?  


This Lent, we are asking our students to bring God in to their lives through focusing on gratitude. Ask your children to say things like, 'I am grateful for God because...' . We are encouraging our students to bring God into their personal space through prayer, to help them to be a better version of themselves. Taking on a new practice like this has purpose in developing their spiritual wellbeing.


Almsgiving, for those in need, is another gesture during Lent to remind our students how lucky they are and to always look out for those less fortunate.


A reminder that all Project Compassion boxes have been distributed to the eldest child from each class so that coins can be collected for our contribution to Caritas - Project Compassion.  


Our Social Justice Leaders,  Madie, Monique and Mahyeshaa have been doing a marvellous job at promoting our Project Compassion by hanging posters and other resources around the school.  

Sacramental Program - Year 4 Eucharist

A quick reminder to all parents that we have our Parent/Adult Faith formation evening  on Wednesday, 1 March for Parents of students making their first Eucharist.   It will be  in St. James' Community Space, 51 Centre Road, Vermont. There will be plenty of parking. 

The evening will commence at 6.00pm with some general information followed by imaginative prayer. Don't forget your pillows!

 Carlie Anderson, who was a parent from our school, will be leading us in this Eucharistic workshop through imaginative prayer.  We look forward to sharing this evening of deepening our faith with our Year 4 parents and students who are preparing for their first Eucharist.


Important dates for First Eucharist Preparation

Commitment Masses

Saturday 18 March at 6pm  


Sunday 19 March at 9:45 am or 11:15 am 

(You only need to attend one of these masses)


St John's Church
First Eucharist Ceremony

Saturday, 13 May – 2:00pm

St John’s Students and Thursday Program

St John's Church

You are Invited to Visit our Students Stations of the Cross

This year our school Easter liturgy will focus on the 'Stations of the Cross'. Our Year 5/6 students will be practising their parts with guidance from our Performing Arts teacher Amanda Hill. 

This will be held in the school hall on Monday 3 April, at various times, between 9am and 11am.  We would love it if you could attend with your child's class.  A more detailed timetable will be shared in the next newsletter.

Community and Adult Faith Formation

You are invited to a night of renewal and formation tonight.


MONDAY, 27 February at 7pm followed by light supper in the 

St John’s Parish Hall - Coghlan Centre, 490 Whitehorse Road, Mitcham.

(Parking in the parish ground via school gate on Elizabeth Street) 

Presenter: REV DR ELIO CAPRA SDB is a member of the Department of Systematic Theology and Department of Pastoral and General Studies at Catholic Theological College. He lectures in Liturgy and Sacramental Theology. He is a priest of the Salesians of Don Bosco (sdb).

1. Jesus Christ: The central ‘Minister’ of the Liturgy

2. Our Full, Conscious and Active Participation at the Liturgy

3. Being a Minister at the Liturgy as a Vocation, Response, Privilege and Blessing

4. Many Ministries – One Purpose

5. The Link between our Ministries and Our Life 

Here is a perfect opportunity to 'live the Gospel' by participating in the liturgies and outreach ministry of St. John’s in a fuller way. Come and listen, be inspired and take action. Everyone is welcome.


Info: Parish Office 9401 6366 or


Many blessings,


Melinda Buscema