Around the Grounds

New Landscaped area
Works are now progressing on the area between the Middle School and the Stem Centre. It includes lunchtime eating and connecting areas, an external amphitheater / classroom, a fitness and activities area, a reflective garden and native orchard. Our grateful we are to have a skilled a property and grounds team to complete the works inhouse.
The 'Look What I Grew' Senior Gardening Club
New this term on Wednesday's in Period 6 a small band of would-be gardeners are getting their hands dirty weeding, planting, cultivating, harvesting and then hopefully cooking veggies and herbs in the Hub.
Recycling News
Our own soft plastics compactor on campus!
Monash Council announced that they are collecting soft plastic from residents. HT is considered commercial so is not included. Never fear, with Mr Hellard's initiative we have installed our own compactor.
VCE VET Practical Session
On Wednesday 15th February, Sam Le Cerf, an ex-Huntingtower student, ran a practical and theory session for the VCE VET students.
Part of their assessment is to plan and conduct a program. Sam taught them how to plan a PT session and then conduct it with clients.
Sam was absolutely fabulous a wealth of knowledge and expertise. Thank you Sam.