From the Principal

Thought for the Week

I define connection as the energy that exists between people when they feel seen, heard, and valued; when they can give and receive without judgment; and when they derive sustenance and strength from the relationship."  Brené Brown


We wish all our Huntingtower families a very warm welcome to the 2023 school year. It has been such a joy to see the students return from their break and quickly reconnect with their peers and staff. 


I recently introduced Huntingtower’s theme for 2023 - ‘Valuing Connections’.  Brené Brown’s words in my “Thought for the Week” remind us of the importance of human connection and the energy that gives us strength when we feel seen, heard and valued. At Huntingtower, we are blessed to have a community that prides itself on valuing connections and helping everyone to be the best version of themselves. 

Our welcoming culture of kindness, which we all enjoy, is truly unique. This culture does not just happen by chance. It takes deliberate and purposeful action to reinforce the values of Huntingtower; Kindness, Respect and Excellence are not just words on a page but an extension of who we are and a part of our daily thoughts and actions. 


Last Friday, Parents and Friends hosted our community Welcome BBQ. This is one of my favourite events of the year. It was a beautiful evening of connecting and making new friends. The music performed by the students, the sausage sizzle, coffee cart and popcorn along with the great weather made for a very enjoyable evening for everyone. A big thank you to P&F and all the volunteers for making the BBQ such a success. We also thank the Music and PAC/Events teams for coordinating the entertaining musical items. 

I am certain anyone who attended the evening felt the warm embrace of the Huntingtower community. 


Last week, we enjoyed our first School Carnival for 2023. The Secondary School House Swimming Carnival was held at the Melbourne Sports and Aquatic Centre. It was a wonderful day full of healthy competition, personal bests, records being broken and House spirit.  Congratulations to all the students for giving their best and the staff for working so hard to ensure everything ran smoothly.  The carnival was won by Rayner for the 5th year in a row. 


It is my hope that all our students, staff and parents derive strength from the special relationships they enjoy at Huntingtower, and everyone feels seen, heard and valued. Let us all commit to building the strongest and healthiest connections we can, with ourselves, and with each other in 2023.


Mr Andrew Houghton