Every Opportunity taken

Middle School Formal
Formal theme - Hollywood Glamour. The Middle School Formal is on Friday the 6th of December, 6 – 9 pm.
Cost $10 a ticket and they are available from the main office. This is to celebrate the end of formal school lessons and Headstart at Cobram Secondary College.
There will be lots of prizes to win, nibbles and drinks as well as a photoshoot by Ms Jones. So ‘Glamour Up’ and join in a night of fun meeting all the Hollywood stars.
Please be aware CSC high expectations concerning school attendance and behaviour entries, these will determine student entry to the formal.
This is a mobile free event.
Maths/Science Award
Congratulations to Robert Squires on receiving the Infrastructure Network – Goulburn Valley 2019 Math Science Award.
The award recognises the achievements of high performing Year 11 students within the Goulburn Valley Region in the fields of Maths and Science. Well done Robert!
Remembrance Day
Thank you to the students who were involved in the Remembrance Day ceremony at the Cobram War Memorial and Ottrey Homes earlier this week.
They did a wonderful job of representing Cobram SC - congratulations to all involved.
UNSW International Competitions and Assessments for Schools (ICAS)
2019 – Science, English and Mathematics:
Terms 3 and 4 saw Cobram Secondary College students from Year 7 to Year 11 sit the UNSW ICAS Science, English and Mathematics Assessments. The results were very pleasing indeed. The exams are conducted in schools throughout Asia, as far away as South Africa, by over 500,000 students. The 50 – 60 minute exam consisting of 45 questions focuses on the key concepts of each subject at the individual student’s year level. Students received either a High Distinction, Distinction, Credit, Merit or Participation Certificate acknowledging their level of achievement.
- Our award recipients were:
- Year 11: Robert Squires: Credit
- Year 9: Noah Sullivan: Credit
- Year 8: Miranda Eddy: Distinction
- Year 7: Nikita Carroll: Credit
- Year 11: Robert Squires: Credit
- Year 9: Noah Sullivan: Credit
- Year 7 William Watson: Credit
- Year 7: Nikita Carroll: Merit
- Year 9: Noah Sullivan: Credit
- Year 8: Miranda Eddy: Credit
- Year 8: Matilda Hooper: Merit
- Year 7 Olivia Sullivan: Credit
We would like to congratulate all students for their participation and their achievements. We acknowledge their ongoing commitment to their education and willingness to challenge themselves in addition to their regular schooling here at Cobram Secondary College. This is very commendable.
Presentation Evening
Damian Drum - Member for Nicholls
Damien Drum visits C.S.C.
Damien and our students met to discuss school life, projects at school and the issue of water which is affecting the lives of many of our students and families.
2020 Proposed Camps
To assist parents and students in their decision making and planning for the 2020 school year, the College has provided a list of the proposed camps that will be run next year. A letter has been published on Compass with further details.
Year 7 Camp (March): Howman's Gap Adventure Camp, Falls Creek (approximately $360 – 3 days)
Year 8 Camp (August): Mount Buller Snow Camp (approximately $350 – 2 days)
Year 9 and 10 Camp (October): Phillip Island Coastal Camp (approximately $360 – 3 days)
Year 11 Camp (May): Melbourne University/TAFE/City Experience (approximately $220 – 3 days)
Year 12 Camp (January): Study Retreat (approximately $200 – 3 days)
Year 9 – 12 Camp (September): Central Australia (approximately $1600 – 11 days)
For any Year 10 student who has been selected as part of the 2020 Advance class, students will also attend a one week camp to Rubicon Outdoor Education Centre, three days Melbourne Explorer Camp and three day qualifying Bronze Duke of Edinburgh Expedition.