CBCA Short List 2022

The Children’s Book Council of Australia has released their short list for the book of the year for 2022, it looks like some really good contenders in both the older readers and younger readers categories. We have majority of these books already in the library and the ones we haven't we can certainly get in.

Short list for Older Readers age 13-18 years old


Short list for Younger Readers 10-14 years old.

The book of the year in each category will be announced in August to coincide with book week celebrations. You could challenge yourself to try to get through them all before the announcement and let me know who you think will win in each category.

School holidays are fast approaching so make sure you come and get your holiday reads borrowed, especially if it is a popular book.


Thank you all for a wonderful first term of 2022, have a great term break, I look forward to all the chats about books you read over the holidays, next term.

