From the Principal

Michelle Bruitzman

~ Do all that you do with love ~


Dear Parents and Friends of St Therese's Primary School,


What a wonderful family event we had on Tuesday evening! 700 sausages were cooked and given out. It was fantastic to see everyone back on the school grounds together in a relaxed and fun way. The Taiko Drummers performed with passion and pride and Mr Sanchez had the oval rocking with games, water balloons and music. It was lovely to see so many past students come along and even join in with a special Japanese drumming performance for us.


Thank you to each and every visitor who helped to keep our school safe by showing vaccination certificates and keeping socially distant. I hope that everyone enjoyed the event as much as I did and took the opportunity to meet your child's classroom teacher and have a look at the new classrooms.  I look forward to when we can host our next school community event.


Thank you to all the staff who helped in the organisation of the family picnic. Mrs Lloyd, Mrs Blackney, Mrs O'Connell and Mrs Johnson for organising the cooking and serving of the sausages. Mrs Hinds and Mrs Osthmuller for ensuring the event was safely run and for checking vaccination certificates. All the classroom teachers for making the time after a busy day of teaching to mingle and speak with families. Mr Sanchez, Mrs Perrins and Mrs Hogan for organising the fun activities and music and preparing all those water balloons! Sensei Andrews for organizing the Taiko Drummers to perform for us.




The Easter raffle will be drawn on the last day of Term 1 at our Whole School Assembly. Thank you to all families for donating Easter Eggs to be made into prizes. Good luck to everyone with a ticket!



There will be no canteen in the last week of school.


Stage 2 classrooms

The new classrooms are almost ready for us to move into them. The Year 3 and 4 students will start Term 2 in the new new learning spaces and the Year 5 and 6 students will move into the old Year 3 and 4 classrooms.


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COVID Update

Just a reminder to use the RAT test twice a week and that if your child is unwell, please keep them at home.


Yours in partnership,

Michelle Bruitzman