Community and Wellbeing

The Resilience Project Parent and Community Presentation

In 2021 our College commenced implementing The Resilience Project (TRP) across our whole college community. As a TRP partner school, we are pleased to offer a Parent and Carer Webinar with Hugh van Cuylenburg (Founder) on Wednesday 6th April, 6.30pm-8.00pm (90 minutes) AEDT.


During this presentation, Hugh will share his experiences and combine them with practical strategies that can be implemented everyday to improve our overall wellbeing.


Parents will need to register using the following registration link:


Upon registration, you will receive a link to attend the webinar, along with a reminder the day prior.


Attached is a flyer with useful information about the Program and Webinar.  If you need any further information about The Resilience Project please visit



If you have any queries about this session please contact the College on 5851 3000.


Community and Wellbeing Leaders (F-12)

The Resilience Project: Hugh van Cuylenburg

After you have seen our parents and carers presentation on 6th April, why not see Hugh van Cuylenburg live. Hugh is presenting in Shepparton on the 11th and 12th of April.  


Hugh van Cuylenburg, founder of The Resilience Project, has partnered with elite sports teams, 1000+ schools and 500+ workplaces - teaching simple and practical mental health strategies. He’s also a best selling author and co-host of popular podcast, The Imperfects



Monday 11 April 2022, 7.00pm 

Tuesday 12 April 2022, 7.00pm - NEW SHOW! 

Where: Riverlinks Eastbank - 70 Welsford Street, Shepparton  

Contact Riverlinks Box Office: 03 5832 9511


Join Hugh as he walks you through his journey and tells stories of the incredible people who have inspired him and The Resilience Project to spread happiness. 

Hugh will unpack the research on mental health and break it down into simple tips that will leave you feeling empowered to improve your wellbeing.

Adults, parents, professionals, teenagers; this talk is for you. Well, really, it’s for anyone who wants to share a laugh and pick up some wellbeing tips along the way.


Tickets are $35.00 and can be purchased online from Riverlinks.!/calendar/event/the-resilience-project-2021

The Resilience Project - Making Connections

Building Resilience Seminar

Building Resilience in Turbulent Times

Turbulent times call for resilient minds. From COVID-19, the Ukraine invasion and rampant flooding, it’s already been a tough start to 2022. Leading clinical psychologist Dr Andrew Fuller joins us for this free webinar event - a national Independent schools initiative - hosted by The Parents Website.

Topics Andrew will cover in this live webinar will include:

Learn the three active ingredients of resilience

Develop strategies to reduce anxiety

Build self-esteem and deal with setbacks

Gain strategies for engaging in tough conversations

Help our children prepare for a better future.


Due to anticipated demand across the country we’ve scheduled two webinars. Secure your preferred date and time using the buttons below.

We look forward to having you join us.

The Parents Website team


Session One: Wednesday 16 March (7pm - 8 pm AEDT)


Session Two: Tuesday 29 March (8 pm - 9 pm AEDT)


Please note: times are Australian Daylight Savings Time (AEDT), check your time zone here.

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