From the Principal

Dear Parents and Carers,


I recently came across a reflection on how we should treat others during this time of COVID. 


… with all humanity and gentleness, with patience, bearing with one another in love, making every effort to maintain the unity of Spirit in the bond of peace … (Epbesians 4:2-5)


Despite the impact of COVID and isolation, it is rare for any of us to spend our days completely alone. In the home, at work, online, on the road, in the shops at school drop off and pick up, we are all interacting in some way with other people.


What does that look like for you? Take a moment now, to close your eyes and think of all the people you have met this week - friends, family, colleagues and strangers. 


Did you meet these people in the spirit of kindness or antagonism, friendship or frustration? Did you see their good side, or only their bad? Were you critical of how they live their lives, or willing to listen and understand the situation they find themselves in. 


After a moment of reflection, I share this prayer with you.


“God, creator of all people, forgive my instant appraisals of others, my negative thoughts and my focus on fighting rather than on peace. God, as I meet people in my day, help me to understand that you love each of us - totally, tenderly, equally. God, help me to allow my heart to follow your lead, so that in each and every day, I will be a channel of your peace.”   


God Bless to our St Augustine's Community. 


Jay Sutton
